Siow Lee Xian Siow Lee Xian

The 7 Dos and Don’ts of Korean Dining

Every culture has its own dining etiquette that we may not be familiar with. Whatever it is, it's always good to learn the basics so that you don't embarrass yourself — or others — when having meals overseas.

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Siow Lee Xian Siow Lee Xian

History of a Dalgona

While everyone may know the history behind the Dalgona coffee, not everyone knows the history of the Dalgona candy. Find out more about this traditional Korean snack and how Korea’s history has impacted its discovery.

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Agnes Lin Agnes Lin

7 Must-Try Korean Snacks!

We miss Korea, and all the delicious snacks that are from there! Check out 7 Must Try Korean Snacks that you can consider sinking your teeth into, if you haven’t already done so!

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